You are invited to a Birthday Party!

Bright teal and pink streamers decorated the kitchen and living room while an elated four year old girl eagerly waited by the front window for her party guests to arrive. She was dressed in her finest “Elsa” dress, her hair pinned beautifully up with a bright blue bow.

“M”, a precocious, bright eyed girl arrived in the home of my dear friends around the holidays. This would be her sixth home in two years.

I have loved watching my friends over the past 1.5 years as they have welcomed and loved many children in foster care.

Raising three energetic children of their own, the additions have not come without sacrifice; it is a sacrifice, however, I know they would say is worth it. 

Despite all the transitions, “M” is full of joy and love


She dreams of being a princess and loves her foster mama’s cupcakes. 

Being a close friend of this family, our family is honored to share in some of this journey.

This time we were the guests at a fifth birthday party. 

My friend adorned her home in Frozen themed party decorations.


There were homemade cupcakes,

presents from friends

and her special moment of blowing out her own candles.

 She felt honored and treasured,  





The celebration I witnessed that January afternoon embodied the heart of foster care:

a gift of a family and a home;

a gift of stability and love.  

This is why With Love has expanded and impacted the community in such a profound way the past seven years.

Love is unstoppable and people believe in it.

They want to be a part of it.


Birthdays are appropriate times to pause, recognize and celebrate another year.

With Love is about to celebrate Seven Years this coming May;

a party is being planned,






May is also National Foster Care Awareness Month!Is there a better way to celebrate!?!

May is also National Foster Care Awareness Month!

Is there a better way to celebrate!?!


Celebrate and dream BIG for the future on Saturday May 2 at the Oregon Golf Club. 

There will be a paddle raise, a wine wall and, for the first time, a live auction!

(AND…If you’ve been to this event before, there are always a few surprises thrown into the mix!)

Tickets are on sale now!

Money raised will be used to fund three big new initiatives for future growth and sustainability. These plans will be revealed at the event!


Reflecting on the seven years of With Love brings up so many emotions.

However, I would confidently say that the biggest sentiment is one of gratefulness. 

Seven years ago, materials and bins piled up in the home of founder Allie Roth. Groups of volunteers came to sort clothing, wading through bedrooms, hallways and living spaces filled with donations.


There has been so much change for With Love over the years; but the the one constant is that it just keeps expanding.

From day one the community has stepped forward to contribute time and donations. 


It wasn’t long before the bins and overflow had to be moved to a warehouse.


In four years, that warehouse was out of space and With Love was moved yet again to another facility. 


In 2018, 1,100 kids were served.

In 2019, 1,600 kids were served, and these numbers don’t include holiday drives.

All of Oregon is now served with the drive up service.

  The number of volunteers and the number of children being served keeps rising each year.

With such Big Growth and impact comes BIG DREAMS.


Five year old “M” will probably always remember her 5th birthday. She may not remember all the details, but she will recall the feeling of love that surrounded her, and the feeling of being important. And this is the best gift of all.
